Make A Difference By Praying Now.
Join us in praying to reach Deaf Bibleless people. Your prayers make a difference!
Ask God to boldly lead people to use the Action Bible Sign Language in church and community.
Pray for the Deaf ministries team consisting of Deaf and hearing individuals who sacrifice much so that others will know Jesus.
Give praise to the Lord for the 2024 release of the Action Bible Sign Language in American Sign Language!
Pray for the continued Action Bible Sign Language editing and release of each biblical story!
Boldly ask the Lord to provide the necessary funding needed to to develop the Action Bible Sign Language in other countries.
Pray that the Old Testament will be added to the ABSL in 2025.
Pray that many people will visit the ABSL YouTube channel and be impacted by the biblical stories.
Pray for the development of biblical resources that inspire and support the use of the Action Bible Sign Language in community and church.
Pray for the celebration launch of the Action Bible Sign Language in 2024!
Pray that the release of the Action Bible Sign Language in American Sign Language will inspire other international Deaf communities to translate God’s Word in their sign language.
Pray for the health of the Deaf and hearing missionaries who are preparing for the field.